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Metallsucher discontinues Fundstück for Gold – doch es ist viel wertvoller

Metallsucher discontinues Fundstück for Gold – doch es ist viel wertvoller

An Australian Metallsucher found a Klumpen. The Gold Fund was abandoned. More information is available

Dave Hole has been recognized as part of Goldfund, one of Australia’s finest metallurgists. We connected with a Hammer several more times each day and it happened quickly. 40 Money-making objects. let’s dieNew York Post“ berichtet, ließ er den Fund schließlich im Museum von Melbourne untersuchen.

Metallsucher halts Gold Fund, resulting in 4.6 Billion Billion Million Meteorite exchanges

Experts evaluated the 2019 festival among the Funds held with more than 4.6 Billion meteorites. Der Geologe Dermot Henry, “New York Post” says: “Man Has Gone to the Entstehung of Sonnensystems”. The meteorite is classified as “H5 ordinary chondrite” and is a feature in the Earth’s best atmosphere.

4.6 Billions of Years replaces Meteorite along with Asteroidengürtel

The Maryborough-Meteorite Fund’s jetzt enables the eclipse of Mars and Jupiter with Asteroid Engines. “Stammt Wahrscheinlich aus dem Asteroidengürtel und wurde durch Kollisionen Herausgeschleudert von Meteorites Asteroid Engines,” says Henry from the “New York Post.” Dave Hole, Fon’u Satt über Seinen: “Es war einfach Glück. Eine Billion zu eins”.

“Golden Eule” Schatzsuche Gefunden in its 31st Year

A Schatzsucher hat in Frankreich dagegen die Goldene Eule Gefunden, die seit 31 Jahren verteckt war. The Fund is marked according to an optimal payment plan. “Newsweek” reports the elf Rätsel zur Lokalisierung des Schatzes in the book “On the Trail of the Golden Owl”, written by author Régis Hauser with Max Valentin in 1993. Finder has the original Eulenstatue and is priced at €150,000. The Gefundene Statue is a Nachbildung.