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VW, BMW and Mercedes-Benz are in crisis: Analyze the Automobile Verdeutlicht Gewinneinbruch | 30.11.24

VW, BMW and Mercedes-Benz are in crisis: Analyze the Automobile Verdeutlicht Gewinneinbruch | 30.11.24

Mercedes-Benz and BMW, among the employees of Volkswagen (VW), were left behind by 7.1 Billion Euros by September and experienced very sharp declines in the first half of the year in Quarter 2023. Das zeigt eine Analysis der 16 grand Autokonzerne, die die Prüfungs- und Beratungsgesellschaft EY durchgeführt hat.

Rückwärtsgang has a lot going for it: For an amount of 145.4 Billion Euros, I bought more than a quarter of the German Autobauer. Further battles in Wolfsburg, Stuttgart and Munich also ended with all positive developments for the first time: I have been waging war on the Vorjahreszeitraum since June 18 with a battle reaching 0.4 Prozent on June 18.

Automatic cyclical traffic in the quarter in the previous quarter: Konzerne fell to 1.9 Million Euros, up from 485.9 Billion Euros. Zinsen and Steuern (Ebit) were seen to be €29 Billion left behind and €23.7 Billion left behind. More than 23 Gewinnplus and numerous Prozent Umsatzwachstum triumphed over all Autobauers in the United States.

“Dying nächsten Jahre könnten cruel werden”

EY-Branchenexperte Constantin Gall said: “There is a quarter of all German Autobauern” There is a problem that has arisen as a result of structural structural problems of the North-Corona-Jahre. Thus, between the Beispiel of China and the Elektrobereich of the new Angreifer Tempo, the German Automobile Industry also fell. Die Kosten seien zu hoch, die Apparate zu schwerfällig. “Die nächsten Jahre könnten cruel werden.”

Autoindustrie manages cyclical changes in a crisis situation and benefits from the services offered by Nachfrage for E-Autos. Ford will have 2,900 Stellen streichen in Germany by 2027. My entire electronics workshop in Cologne, along with the gilded couriers, has seen business decline. Bei VW Stehen Lohnkürzungen, Werksschliessungen and ein Stelenabbau I am Raum. There are many jobs and business opportunities. And Zulieferer Bosch, ZF, Continental and Schaeffler faced other problems in Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Stellen.

Sorgen Wachsen in China

Sichtbar drives Krise with Autos’ Verkauften. The Great Konzerne allowed Neuwagen to make a fresh start once again. This is a fee of 5.6 cents. Tesla and Ford became a better company as they learned more.

This is the biggest feature of Automarkt China. Over the course of four years, all the information E-Auto-Hersteller gave to Tesla increased by a quarter over 30 years. Germany’s Minus is 17 years behind Durchschnitt against Hersteller. Knapp launched Fahrzeug overnight in China. 2020 is going by so fast from 40 Prozent.

In Volksrepublik, in Angaben with E-Mobilität and Aufkommen localer Hersteller, in Markt Drängen we are faced with a problem in the West Konzerne aggressively: “In China, a Verdrängungswettbewerb which is a very big problem” Prepayments, purchase does not apply to the import process”, Gall mit. Aber, an Option of Rückzug He won all the Big Brands.

Suzuki is a profitable company in Autokonzern

EY-Analysis works every day and every day to benefit from the German Autobauer much more profitably: Gewinneinbruchs, next to Marge, surpassed the all-day Gewinn with a fast half of 4.9 hours. Die durchschnittliche Marge aller Konzerne fell behind by 6.0 points (minus 2.0 points).

Myth 12.7 Suzuki Motor is the culprit of the Prozent profitable Autokonzern war. Japan’s quarterly distribution was shared by Kia (10.9 Prozent) and Tesla (10.8 Prozent). Mercedes-Benz trailed behind at the Platz with a Gewinnmarge of 7.3. BMW achieved 5.2 Prozent from Platz, Volkswagen achieved a lower figure of 3.6 Prozent. More than 16 analyzes provided the opportunity to make a significant profit with quarterly quarterly analysis.

Herausforderungen zu gross?

Aus Galls Made Automatic Investments in Europe, Costs and Efficiency Required to Have a Better Technology and Technology: Billions of Investments Regarding Profit Earned – In Beispiel Bereichen Software und Batterietechnik, aber neuerdings auch wieder in die Weiterentwicklung des Verbrenungsmotors.

“Dieser Spagat becomes one of the best consolidations of the Autoindustrie with a new consolidatedierungswelle.” Umso wichtiger sei es, dass die Konzerne ihre internen Structural Structures. “Massive Einschnitte gerade bei den Verwaltungskosten sind unumgänglich”, i.e. Gall. Hersteller’s New Year and Entwicklung in Germany generated a quarterly revenue of €8.3B and Rekort with EY.


STUTTGART (awp international)