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Im 216,000 Euro-Auto: Polizei stopped Bayern-Star angetrunkenen

Im 216,000 Euro-Auto: Polizei stopped Bayern-Star angetrunkenen

This was at the hands of FC Bayern München. Zwei Tage, who made his big Bundesliga-Kracher debut for Borussia Dortmund, faced Linksverteidiger Alphonso Davies on the Polizei night in Samstagabend (18.30 Uhr/live on Sky). Der Atemalkoholwert fell short of 0.6 Promille. Davies has replaced BVB at the Platz and it is very disturbing.

This battle took place at Donnerstag in the Polizei of Davies’ Lamborghini Usus (extras for 216,000 euros). Die Beamten stopped Luxuskarosse in the Münchner Altstadt. Bei Linksverteidiger Davies, der am Steuer saß, stellten sie Alkoholgeruch fest. Der 24-jährige Kanadier must have Wache, even 0.6 Promille. This is an amount about Bier (0.33 Litres) or other Gläsern Wein (0.25 Litres).

Davies offenbar trotz Alkohol-Fahrt und Bayern-Kader

Davies never returned, a Freund sold anschließend nach Hause gebracht haben with “Bild”. Die Polizei, Datenschutzgründen nicht öffentlich zu dem Vorfalläußern. FC Bayern made a very good deal with Davies’ Alkoholfahrt.


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Unfortunately, this is a service for a service. The best performance of TV Senders Sport1 is when Kader plays from BVB and makes everything from Anfang to Einsatz kommen. Das Thema only works as an intern at Bericht.

500 Euros for Davies Strafe – Close to 9 Million

A Straftat war das Vergehen von Davies nicht, sehr wohl aber eine Ordnungswidrigkeit. Mann made 500 Euros with a Marktwert worth 50 Million Euros and received a Fahrverbot from a Monat. Eine Strafe spent more money on a Mann to generate a revenue of one million Euros.

Davies’s Führerschein is not expressed in any words. The battle of “Bild” took place at 12.15 at Trainingsgelände in Dienst-Audi and on Säbener Straße. Anschließend nahm er am Abschlusstraining teil.

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It is unknown how Alkohol-Fahrt’s collaborations with the Davies Management and FC Bayern will be affected by this situation. Mann is one of the best links worldwide, with FC Barcelona and Manchester United playing with Real Madrid. Sein Vertrag aus. Bayern achieved great success for a fee of 14 Million Euros. Davies asked Vernehmen for a fee of 20 Million Euros.