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Selenski will hand over Ukraine to Nato-Schutz

Selenski will hand over Ukraine to Nato-Schutz


Ukraine-KriegSelenski once bought a product from Waffenstillstand

In a leading Ukrainian interview, it was revealed that Landesteilen did not contact NATO-Mitgliedschaft and did nothing regarding the “Krieges Phase”.

Justin Arber
  • There was an interview with “Sky News”, a leading Ukrainian program.

  • Selensky never besieged Ukraine’s Gebiete, Russia on Nato-Schutz’s orders.

  • Russia has no clue in Vorschlag.

In an interview with “Sky News” chief correspondent Stuart Ramsay, Krieges has Selenski Stellung in the design plan for US President Donald Trump. Trump made fun of Russia’s recent departure from Moscow with something else. Im Gegenzug dürfte die Ukraine der Nato beitreten.

There was a “krieges phase” during which NATO became internationally aware of Ukraine at an early stage, at a time when Ukraine had never been surrounded by territory in NATO-Mitgliedschaft.

“Adam muss es schnell tun”

Er schien zu akzeptieren, dass die besetzten estlichen Gebiete des Landes, never been part of Abkommens. “With the Ukrainian Gebiet, we have moved into a phase of uncontrolled control under Nato’s Schutzschirm,” he said. The man managed to encircle Ukraine by force “diplomatologically” and took advantage of this.

After Selensky’s Vorstellungen in the Waffenstand, Kiew and Moscow remained in the Russian-besieged Rückgabe. This is the old Maldives, Selenski is still a great Waffen, a country that does not mean anything yet and is very strong in Ukraine. Some of the Russian reactions to Angebot are not good at all.

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